

I thought this was going to be the usual type of testing-related webinar. You know, the ones where the topic is on a vehicle for pitching a testing tool? 但这一次不同了, 不是在格式或演示中, 但在主持人的声明中. At one point she said “This tool doesn’t just automate your manual test cases, 它为你写.” I have heard a hundred times about test 自动化 tools that claimed to eliminate manual testing, but never had someone said that their tool could terminate the tester too!  好吧, 也许这有点夸张, the elimination of human beings was never claimed specifically, 但听起来确实是这样.

《MG游戏登录网页》 系列电影, 漫画, and one ill-fated TV show has had its ups and downs, but my favorite part of the series has to be the second film, T2审判日. In this film we learn about the event called Judgement Day, when the 人工智能 (AI) developed by a US defense contractor called Cyberdyne attempted to eradicate the human race via a nuclear attack. 今天, in real life, AI is powering tools like Chat GPT, Bard, and Bing. 在测试领域, it is showing up as the latest feature for many, 如果不是所有的主要测试工具, 或者它正在为新工具提供动力. It has many in the 软件测试 field wondering if we might see a real Judgement Day for our careers.

在我20多年的测试生涯中, it seems to me that our kind has often been forced to fight for our place at the software development table or even for our reason to exist.  Every so often, there comes another novel attack on our usefulness. These usually come with reasons like “The customer can test the features.、“开发人员可以测试他们自己的代码。.或“测试太昂贵了。.这个问题已经存在了几十年. Somewhat more recently it’s been statements like “We’re Agile, just automate all of the testing.,或者“产品负责人可以做到”。. 今天, 是人工智能的幽灵, with its eerie ability to mimic (or appear to mimic) human thought that has the value of software testers being questioned anew.

考虑到这种不确定性, as testers we need to understand how we can stay relevant in the coming years as AI infiltrates our world. The good news is that we should be used to this by now, considering all of the challenges to our work that we’ve already faced. The bad news is that we haven’t always been good at answering these challenges.


最终, the survival of our profession will depend on our ability to do our jobs better than these AI constructs can, 但mg官方游戏中心如何证明mg官方游戏中心的优势? I think there are a few concrete ways we can improve our profession as a whole.

  1. 停止依赖脚本测试. 我很惊讶脚本测试,也就是 编写和执行测试用例, still holds such a stranglehold on the testing industry, especially among the toolmakers. How many 测试管理工具 are designed around 探索性测试 vs. 那些为脚本化测试设计的? Somewhat reassuringly, at least ET is no longer being ignored. The number of ET tools has grown over the past few years, and some of the bigger players like Tricentis (qt), x射线 feature robust exploratory testing tools as an alternative, even if the bulk of their tools’ functionality is still centered on test cases. We can’t expect the tools to drive our behavior though. Scripted test cases will continue to hold a dominant position as long as we continue preaching the message of “repeatable” tests. Why would a tester want to make their job repeatable? The more of us that embrace approaches like ET that rely on the tester’s knowledge and skill, 就会有更多的工具跟随并支持mg官方游戏中心.

  2. 编写更好的bug. Have you ever used an automated test tool that also logged the bugs it found? 我用过一些,结果很可笑. But I’ve seen examples and hear accounts of laughable bugs written by human testers too. “It broke” is not a helpful description of a software bug. 最有价值的教学工具之一是 BBST series of courses is the RIMGEN set of steps to use when writing a bug report. RIMGEN stands for Replicate, Isolate, Maximize, Generalize, Externalize, and maintain a Neutral tone. 看看 这篇关于RIMGEN的文章 for more explanation on what these mean and then start getting your developers so accustomed to reading great bug reports that they won’t stand for the gibberish that an AI tool might log.

  3.  了解你的专业. An important part of a tester’s job is to know more about the product, 技术上和功能上, 比队里任何人都好. 机器可以在没有需求的情况下进行测试吗? Can it log a bug that details how the application is detracting from its purpose? How about if it’s not being consistent with a user’s expectation? 这只是两个 一致性启发式 在任何测试人员的处置. 技术方面呢? 我应该有优势,对吧? Not when testers take the time and effort to understand the inner workings of the applications they are testing. Things like where you should look when you see an SQL error, 如何查看日志级别, 具体的错误消息是什么意思. These are still tasks that are done best by a knowledgeable human.


You know what else can do repeatable tasks faster and better than a human, right?

While the advances of AI might make us feel like Judgement Day is coming, we can still demonstrate our value as testers by adding value to our software projects in a way that machines can’t. This means ditching ways of thinking that turn testing into a commodity and instead embracing approaches and techniques that are uniquely human.

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James Bach:测试用例不是测试


Tricentis qt test Explorer:



Bug报告RIMGEN: rimgen /



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